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carbon fixation中文是什么意思

用"carbon fixation"造句"carbon fixation"怎么读"carbon fixation" in a sentence


  • 碳固定


  • Carbon fixation by farmland ecosystems in china and their spatial and temporal characteristics
  • One of our primary goals in these organic - synthesis experiments ? and one of life ' s fundamental chemical reactions ? is carbon fixation , the process of producing molecules with an increasing number of carbon atoms in their chemical structure
  • The eco - environmental benefits are composed of the followings : water resources conserved amount to 28 percent , 422 . 2 million yuan , land resources protected and improved make up 3 percent , 40 . 6 million yuan , carbon fixation and oxygen production for 17 percent , 254 . 4 million yuan , environmental decontamination take up 26 percent , 395 . 5 million yuan , and ecological tourism covers 26 percent , 383 . 2 million yuan
    生态环境效益价值中,拦蓄保护水资源价值42222 . 2万元,占总价值的28 ;保护改良土地资源价值4060 . 3万元,占总价值的3 ;固碳制氧价值25442 . 9万元,占总价值的17 ;净化环境价值39546 . 4万元,占总价值的26 ;生态旅游价值38321 . 2万元,占总价值的26 。
用"carbon fixation"造句  


In biology, carbon fixation is the reduction of inorganic carbon (carbon dioxide) to organic compounds by living organisms. The most prominent example is photosynthesis.
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